The second there is any lack of competition, services drop. You can see it with Embassies, who have to grant visas, and have a could not care attitude, you can see it with state run entities such as Telkom, who repeatedly mess up my ADSL lines and could not be bothered to fix them up straightaway. Recently, I have discovered, for example with the Sheriffs, who have sole franchises essentially for each area, that when you give then a warrant of execution, in some cases they serve it two months later with the Road Accident Fund and still charge for it – even though they cannot collect any money because the Road Accident Fund rightfully say they have paid us in those intervening two months. It is astounding that somebody can try and charge for a service that they have rendered so late, that it no longer serves a purpose and it only happens when there is no competition and no alternative or choice for an attorney. It is about time that perhaps we have competing Sheriffs in different areas so that if the service of one is terrible, you can choose another.