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Life is too short

In December, I lost a friend, Charlie Mnisi. Charlie was a former President of the Law Society of the Northern Provinces and very involved in the legal profession. We sat next to each at the Law Society for about 3 years and he was always my partner at the Law Society golf days, except last year November, when I could not make the event, and a month later he fell down some stairs and died two days later.

I will always remember Charlie as a smiling, happy man who always had his copy of the Mail & Guardian close to him on a Friday and did not take things too seriously. At the halfway house at Country Club Johannesburg, while the marshall chased the rest of us off to the tee to carry on with our round of golf, saying our breakfast break was over, Charlie continued to finish his breakfast and then ambled down to the tee, a smile on his face and not a concern in the world, after the rest of us had already played off. He was very relaxed and none of the pressure of the marshall or anybody else affected him and that was his nature. Another tragic loss and another family robbed of a father and a husband, and just a reminder to all of us that you really don’t know how long, at any given time, you have left on this earth.

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Wednesday 09-Feb-11   |  Permalink   |  3 Comments  Comments
Law Society and Fidelity Fund Certificates

An interesting judgment was given out by the Supreme Court of Appeal recently that ultimately confirms that it is the Court’s duty to decide whether or not a practitioner is issued with a Fidelity Fund Certificate. A copy of the judgment is available here.

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Wednesday 16-Feb-11   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  Comments

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